Thursday, June 13, 2013

Fwd: URGENT CALL ALERT! Fair Elections NOW!

Dear New York MoveOn member,

We've got one week left to pass campaign finance reform in New York that could be a model for the nation. Thousands of MoveOn members and allies have campaigned for months to pass the Fair Elections Act. Now it's time for an all-hands-on-deck, final push.

Here's an update and urgent call to action from petition creator Susan Weber:

Dear MoveOn member,

We're down to the wire on FAIR ELECTIONS for NY...only a bit more than a week till end of session. 

The Assembly passed the bill in May; now we must convince our Governor Cuomo, the NY Senate's Independent Democratic leader Jeff Klein, and Majority Leader Dean Skelos that we need public financing! Our message? "Do the right thing. Don't go home without it!"

Please call your Governor Andrew Cuomo (518-474-8390), Dean Skelos (518-455-3171) and Jeff Klein (518-455-3595). Remind them:

  • 91% of New Yorkers say political corruption is a serious problem in NY1
  • More than 70% of likely voters in New York favor public financing of elections to fix this problem2
  • Public financing will cost about $2 per citizen PER YEAR.3

We can't afford NOT TO DO IT!

You can report your calls here (or not...but please do call).

These calls count. The operator's job is to take your message for the boss. Please call EARLY and OFTEN!

Thanks for all you do... If you don't, who will?

Susan Weber
MoveOn Regional Organizer

Thanks for all you do.

–Mark, Lenore, Joan, Wes, and the rest of the team


1. "New York Voters Expect More Political Corruption Busts—And Say Their Reps Might Be Next: Siena," NY Daily News, April 22, 2013

2. "New Bipartisan Poll: New York Voters Overwhelmingly Agree Campaign Finance Reform is Key to Ending Corruption," Fair Elections for New York, May 6, 2013

3. "Study: Public campaigns will cost less than $2/person," Capitol Confidential, December 3, 2013

Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

This email was sent to eddie alfaro on June 13, 2013. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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